InHisVerse Extras: Unique Tools for Greek & Hebrew Lexicon Word Studies.

InHisVerse Extras: Dig even deeper with exclusive Greek Inspector, Synonym Search, BibleHub.Com, Dictionaries, Bookmarks, King James Version... and so much more.

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Greek Inspector
Find related Greek words with the Greek Inspector. Highlight any part of the word, see the words that are derived from the root. Click on a word in the list to show its full definition and usage.

Greek Inspector

Synonym Search
Bridge the gap between Greek and Hebrew. Synonym search finds matching definitions and translations in every Bible verse. Click on the word to view it the cross-reference concordance and detailed definition panels.

Synonym Search

BibleHub.Com Definitions
Study additional definitions and lexicons on BibleHub.Com, including expanded Strong's Exhausted Concordance, HELPS Word-studies, NAS Exhaustive Concordance, Thayer's Greek Lexicon and Brown-Driver-Brigg Lexicon.
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Biblehub Definitions

BibleHub.Com Parallel Bible
Seamlessly integrated with the BibleHub.Com, compare the verse in over 26 different translations.
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Parallel Bible

BibleHub.Com Commentary
Integrated BibleHub.Com commentary offers expert opinion from over 40 Bible commentators.
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Biblehub Commentary

BibleHub.Com Sermons
Read classic sermons from Charles Spurgeon and other inspired teachers.
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Biblehub Sermons

Topics and Dictionaries
Nave's, Torrey's and Open Topical Bibles, The International Bible Encyclopedia and 5 other Bible dictionaries are indexed to the current verse; no internet required. A single button toggles the examination panel between the Berean Study Bible and topical Bibles and dictionaries.

King James Version

Topical Search
Search through all nine Bible dictionaries and topical bibles.

King James Version

King James Version
A single button toggles the examination panel between the Berean Study Bible and King James Version.

King James Version

Use Bookmarks as a marker for what you want to read next.


Use history to go back to a verse you started exploring.


Share Your Study
InHisVerse makes Bible lessons easy to share. Highlight the verse in the reading panel, right click and select 'copy with chapter formatting', then paste into your lesson. Here's an example study of the Greek word 'arkeo' translated sufficient.

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